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Azim Wahab

From hobby to way of life.

Despite his  career as a professional photographer, Azim Wahab continues on his passion in cycling to maintain his stamina. This has taken him across Malaysia!

5 Inspirations from Azim

5 months into cycling, he cycled for 200km!

"The furthest ride was 200km on 13 January 2019. At that time, I have only cycled for 5 months, rode from Shah Alam to Port Dickson".


Cycles 3 times a week to stay fit

"I usually cycle for at least 3 times a week to maintain my stamina".

Group activities gets him motivated

"The Bonkers Cycling Club group has a lot of activities that suit me, and on top of that the group emphasises on teamwork and helping each other."


Keep the interest going with variety

In addition to cycling, Azim also does other field activities for diversity.

Friendly motivation makes it more fun

Azim started cycling because of his friends but over time, it became his own passion that he shares with his buddies.



What does it takes to reach your personal goals? Perseverance, commitment and true grit are the keys to climb up the ladder of success. The road to success is not easy, but having true grit will help you reach your goals faster. Just like our icons in MILO® Generasi Aktif, having physical health and embodying a positive mindset will give you the strength to push you through the many challenges.

We will definitely face stress and pressure to keep striving against the odds, and a positive character can help us handle stress better. How do you build a strong character and learn positive values that will benefit you in life? Just like the MILO® Generasi Aktif icons, staying active and playing sports is the answer. Sporting activities train us to be physically agile and flexible, and improving soft skills like teamworking and strategizing at the same time.

Listen what Azim Wahab from MILO® Generasi Aktif has to share about his experience of exploring Malaysia through his lens as a professional photographer and also a cycling enthusiast!


Having grit is having a flaming passion and perseverance to face challenges in the pursuit of his or her ambitions. MILO® Generasi Aktif is here to inspire you build physical strength and positive values to go further!

Having courage is to be brave individuals that is open to trying new opportunities and not be afraid to fail.

Dream big and think big! Be more assertive and committed in achieving your dreams.

To persist is to have the desire to keep striving without the thought of giving up in order to achieve a goal — MILO® Generasi Aktif shows you how to do it!

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hold firm to the pursuit of dreams even when it is difficult.

Have a clear and pragmatic plan to take further action to achieve long term goals.

To achieve excellence is not the relentless pursuit of perfection, but is more of striving consistently towards a higher level of excellence in any field like our icons in MILO® Generasi Aktif.